Energy Management & Monitoring
Eniris offers hardware and software solutions for monitoring and controlling buildings and installations, tailored to energy prices, load balancing, and peak shaving.

Solutions for
Energy suppliers, installation companies, O&M companies, building managers,...
Completely brand independent
+180 integrations
In every installation, there are techniques from different brands and ages. Eniris handles a wide range of protocols and interfaces for charging stations, inverters, energy meters, heat pumps, building management systems, ...

Global solutions
Management systems for PV, batteries, charging stations, heat pumps
Discover the stories of installers with an overarching platform for the management and maintenance of installations or a personalized customer dashboard.

Virtual Powerplant
Virtual Powerplant
Without you knowing it, your current customers already have an API interface today, which can be controlled from the cloud with the cloud version of our Smartgrid controller.
This offers you the opportunity to offer additional services in the short term, such as participating in the 'day-ahead' market or connecting to a VPP (virtual power plant) to access the imbalance market.

Events, lectures & exhibitions
Meet with us
Solar Solutions 2024 (Amsterdam, the Netherlands)
19 - 20 - 21 March (Expo Greater Amsterdam)
Solar & Storage Live 2024 (London, UK)
29 - 30 April (ExCel London)
Keynote: Utility Scale Solar
30 April 14:30 - 15:00
InterSolar 2024 (Munich, Germany)
19 - 20 - 21 June (Messe München)
Solar Solutions (Belgium, Kortrijk)
2 & 3 Oktober 2024 (Stand D7.1)
Solar Solutions (Germany, Düsseldorf)
27/11 & 28/11
Solar & Storage (Barcelona, Spain)
13-14 November (Fira, Barcelona)
Intersolutions (Gent, Belgium)
29-30 Januari 2025 (Stand 8703)
Projects and use cases
SmartgridOne succeeds extensive testing for EMC, EMI & ESD
News, events, fairs, articles, and more
Sebastiaan - Stagiair Marketing
Stijn - Stagiair Marketing
Jordy - Graduaat Programmeren
Energy Management for Residential Users (HEMS)
Matthijs - Junior Developer
Sebbe - Energy Management Student
Get in touch!
Info (België & Internationaal)
+32 494 10 70 47
Info (Netherlands)
+31 (0) 613 42 82 15
Info (Germany)
+49 731 9690 8852
Info (Verenigd Koninkrijk)
+44 20 8133 5790
Info (Zweden)
+46 8-559 16 122
Info (United States)
+1 650 488 5766
To request the status of your delivery, please email: deliveries@eniris.io
Technical Support
+32 3 215 00 41
Yes, please use the following form: https://eniris.io/device-integration-request/
This form helps you request an account for SmartgridOne, SmartgridX, the APP, Eniris BMS, or other products and services provided by Eniris.
See: https://eniris.io/inkoppeling-met-repowered/