
Before you fill in this form

Welcome to the Eniris device integration form.
This form is made for manufacturers and suppliers.
If this form reaches you it means there was a request to add a device to our controller platform.

Please fill in the form as completely as possible. New integrations will be considered for inclusion in our roadmap, which is publicly available at: https://openprojects.eniris.be/projects/roadmap/

If you have questions, please contact us at support@eniris.be.

The absolute minimum we need to control batteries is the following:

  • Request:
    • State of Charge (SoC)
    • Out/in active power (ideally per phase and the total)
  • Commands:
    • Charge/discharge command
    • Amount of power/current (can also be combined with the above by looking at the sign)

Nice to have’s are the following:

  • Request:
    • Total amount of charged/discharged energy
    • Battery capacity
    • Battery/BMS/inverter model
    • Max and min power
    • Currents (ideally per phase)
    • Voltages (per phase)


Device Integration Request Form​

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Contact us

Info (Belgium & International)

+32 494 10 70 47

Info (Netherlands)

+31 613 42 82 15

Info (Germany)

+49 731 9690 8852

Technische Support (eerst een ticket aanmaken via https://eniris.be/nl/support/ )

+32 92 23 68 57